Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does acupuncture hurt?

No, generally speaking acupuncture does not hurt. You will feel sensations such as a dull ache or a “running” of energy along the channel. These sensations are normal and show the acupuncture point is working. Very often after the first needle is inserted the patient states they did not feel any sensation at all. There are exceptions, some people are more sensitive to needles. In this case the acupuncturist uses smaller needles and checks in with the patient’s sensitivity. Acupuncture needles are ultra fine needles. For reference, on average 17 acupuncture needles fit into a hypodermic injection needle (used for shots).

2. What does acupuncture do?

Essentially acupuncture stimulates the nervous system to open blocked circulation so the body heals more efficiently and quickly. Stimulation of particular channel points on the body regulates body system functions, and affects specific parts.

3. How long does it take to see and/or feel results?

This can vary based on the individual and condition. For pain you may see full or partial results right away if your body is relatively healthy. If your body is in a dis-regulated state with multiple problems you may not see results for 3-4 visits. For systemic issues 8-16 weeks will provide overall balancing and healing. For emotional issues majority of the time you’ll feel a shift or change quickly. Other factors affecting healing results include mental state, lifestyle, diet, environment, and age. Keep in mind it takes time to produce lasting results.

4. What happens in an acupuncture visit?

We welcome you to your treatment room and you settle in. The first visit starts with a thorough consult, including a check of your tongue and pulse for the acupuncturist’s diagnostics. Then you’ll receive the treatment scheduled. This is followed by recommendations and scheduling following treatments.

5. Why am I being asked about sleep when I came in for neck pain?

In a thorough first consult there may be questions asked that seem irrelevant. Chinese medicine diagnosis uses a different theory thousands of years old to find the appropriate pattern related to your particular issue, as well as your constitutional strengths and struggles. These answers help the acupuncturist to have a clear understanding of your system’s overall functioning to provide the ideal point prescription.

Western medicine is a few hundred years old, in comparison to the thousands of years Chinese medicine has been provided and developed. Chinese medicine goes beyond treating the symptom, reaching root imbalances or weaknesses causing the symptom. Two beautiful aspects of this ancient medicine is it works with your body in healing as opposed to causing a reliance on an external factor such as medication, and does not cut into the body like surgery. Chinese medicine also takes into consideration the mind body spirit connection - for example the effects mental stress can have on the physical body.

6. How is Chinese medicine different than Western medicine?